Custom Pet Portrait From A Photo

Everyone has a different view of what they are looking for when submitting a photograph to a portrait artist. The artists goal is to paint a beautiful masterpiece out of what he sees. When it comes right down to it, what is it that you ultimately desire in an oil painting? Perhaps the way you always want to remember your pet by, is with all the little imperfections that show off your pets best personality.
Or maybe you would like to see your pet finely groomed in the coziest of backgrounds. An artist could create perfect grooming, according to your instructions with, or without the perfect pose. However, the artist has never seen your pet or child in person. Unless the artist is there live, he cannot view your pet or child with your pet from different perspectives. Capturing a great pose is very important for the artist that is painting an oil painting and using the photo as the subject. The best tip we can give to someone who would like an oil painting hand painted using the photo as a subject, is this. What would you like? This is always the first rule.
Not everyone has the patience, time, or endurance to capture the perfect photograph of pets or children with pets. It seems children and pets all have little patience, a mind of their own, and that never appears to be what the impatient photographer is looking for in the perfect pose. This is especially apparent when taking photographs of more than one subject. Here are a few tips to help you capture that perfect moment. We all know that the best portraits seem to almost come naturally. So how do we go about getting a natural portrait? One way, don't miss the perfect pose. Carry your camera with you always. Are you looking for the playful and happy pose? Then be playful.
Sometimes the perfect pose depends on your mood, if you're playful, so will your subjects. Think of things that make your pets or children happy. We all know that food is, number 1 with pets and candy number 1 for children. Well this can sometimes be a great lure so if it helps to get them where you want them, by all means cheat a little and use it. Just like children, pets love attention. What about attention getters? Pets love to be talked to, played with, and of course petted. They all just seem to thrive on any form of happy attention, backed by a little love and a lot of praise. For an unpredictable cat, not always the case, of course unless it is their idea. If you haven't tried catnip, we strongly suggest it. For all pets their favorite playful toys always seems to work well. Whatever it is that gets your pet or child in the mood for the type of pose you are looking for. Use it.
Try to give yourself "good timing" Directly before, or after a meal may or may not be the best time depending on the type of portrait you are looking for. They think hungry or relax, unfocused or satisfied and you think play and lets take some photos, which may not give you the exact mood, you are looking for. Think about the times in the past that your child or pet has acted the part out and looks the best, then follow that example.

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